- The imagebase definition in the formsweb.cfg file
- the name of the icon set on item level in the form
- the definitions for the their use in the registry.dat file ($ORALCE_HOME/java/oracle/forms/registry/registry.dat
Name used in items
Look for the following settings:
# The Application Level icon files are relative to the DOCUMENTBASE
# example: icons/
# or an absolute URL.
# example: http://www.forms.net/~luser/d2k_project/
From the documentation: ( http://www.di.unipi.it/~ghelli/didattica/bdl/A97329_03/web.902/a92175/chap03.htm#1030692 )
When deploying an Oracle9iAS Forms Services application, the icon files used must be in a Web-enabled format, such as JPG or GIF (GIF is the default format).
By default, the icons are found relative to the DocumentBase directory. That is, DocumentBase looks for images in the directory relative to the base directory of the application start HTML file. As the start HTML file is dynamically rendered by the Forms Servlet, the forms90 directory becomes the document base.
For example, if an application defines the icon location for a button with myapp/
To change the default location, you can set the imageBase parameter to codebase in the formsweb.cfg configuration file. Alternatively, you can change the default.icons.iconpath value of the registry.dat file in the forms90/java/oracle/forms/regsitry directory.
Setting the imageBase parameter to codebase enables Oracle9i Forms to search the forms90/java directory for the icon files. Use this setting if your images are stored in a Java archive file. Changing the image location in the registry.dat configuration file is useful if you want to store images in a central location independent of any application and independent of the Oracle9i Forms installation.
Storing Icons in a Java Archive
If an application uses a lot of custom icon images, it is recommended you store icons in a Java archive file and set the imageBase value to codebase. The icon files can be zipped to a Java archive via the Jar command of any Java Development Kit (JDK).
For example, the command Jar -cvf myjar.jar *.gif zips all files with the extension .gif into an archive file with the name myico.jar.
In order for Oracle9i Forms to access the icon files stored in this archive, the archive needs to be stored into the forms90/java directory. Also, the name of the archive file must be part of the archive tag used in the custom application section of the formsweb.cfg file (for example, archive_jini=f90all_jinit.jar, myico.jar). Now, when the initial application starts, the icon files are downloaded to and permanently stored on the client until the archive file is changed.
Note: As Oracle9i Forms default icons (for example, icons present in the default smart icon bar) are part of the f90all.jsr file, you do not need to deploy them.