OEL netwerk configuration

Sometimes a system has been initiated to use DHCP and the use of a static ip-address is required, including correct dns resolution and gateway settings.

The following steps accomplish this:

Define the parameters of the NIC
  • Connect as root
  • Go to directoy /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
  • Identify the file that is used for the NIC that you must define:
    for example ifcfg-eth0 is for the traditional first network card.

  • Verify/Change the settings depending on your needs
  • When changing from dhcp to static addressing, the file should become something like this:


Define the paramter for the network in itself
  • Connect as root
  • Go to /etc/sysconfig
  • Edit the file network
  • Set the hostname here and the gateway for the network.
  • The file should contain something like:


Set the resolv.conf file with the nameservers
  • Connect as root
  • Go to directory /etc
  • Edit the file resolv.conf
  • Add/modify lines in the file with the specification of the nameserver.
  • An example
    search hellings.be

    nameserver vvv.xxx.yyy.zzzz

  • Add as many nameservers as you require
Restart the network
  • Connect as root
  • Restart the network
    service network restart

Linux - determine the block size of ext3 filesystem

Simple ... when you know it

Just use the command tune2fs with the -l option and followed by the name of the device.

$> tune2fs -l /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 | grep -i "block size'

Create Filesystem on OEL

Just as a documentation thing...

1.Partition the device

Use fdisk to add/delete/modify partitions.
Start it by specifying the device name after fdisk:
ex. fdisk /dev/hdb
The result of this will be that you allocated the space on the device to a set of partitions (/dev/hdb1, ... )
This you can see when looking in the /dev directory. The partitions you created should be defined in it.

2. Create a filesystem on the partition(s)
This can be done by issueing the mkfs command.
You have to specify the type of filesystem at the -t option.
For example: mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1

3. Mounting the filesystem
Two possible ways to do this:
- on a permanent basis 3.b.
- on a use base : 3.a.

3.a. Mount the filesystem permantently
This is achieved by defining the partition and mount point in the fstab file.
In there you will enter a line per partition to be mounted with the systemboot.
See man fstab for details on what theline should look like.

3.b. Mount the filesystem on a use base
Just launch the command mout to mount the filesystem on the location you want.
The location must be a directory.
ex: mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /MyNewPartition

3.c for completeness ... unmounting the filesystem
You can do this by issueing the umount command followed by the mount point
ex. umount /MyNewPartition

Shrink size of a LVM Volume Group

The next things are a very short resume of an article on how to shrink a Logical Volume group by using the rescue mode of the installation disk.

The article itself can be found at http://forums.fedoraforum.org .

The context is Redhat or Oracle Enterprise Linux.

In order to shrink an LVM volume group the only prerequisite is that you have the installation media.

1. Verify the content in advance of the logical volume group.
This can be done via the volume management tool (graphical) where you see the layout of the filesystems, or simply by using df -h on the command line. Verify the space that is in effect used in the filesystem.

2. Launch the rescue mode.
This can be achieved by booting the machine using the installation media of Redhat/Fedora/Oracle linux.
The option to launch the rescue mode is documented in the startup screen. See F2 for more informaiton after booting from the dvd/cd.
On the command prompt enter "linux rescue".
Enter the language, keyboard and network parameters. The network is not required to be available.

3. identify the filesystems to be unmounted
Typically the existing filesystems will be mounted in rescue mode in
Use df -h to see a list of filesystems.

4. unmount the filesystems
Execute an umount for each of the filesystems named /mnt/sysimage/* ending with the /mnt/sysimage itselve.

5. Identify the volumegroup
Two options here:
- you looked closely to the df -h output
- you look in the /dev directory to identify the structure of the volumegroup.

6. Check the logical volumes.

Perform an e2fsck on the logical volume:
$> e2fsck -f /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
At the end of the command the statistics show the usage of the filesystem.

7. Resize the filesystem.
Execute resize2fs to move all files in a consistent way to the beginning of the device.
resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 3G
The 3G is the indication of the size that will be used for the filesystem after the operation.

8. Release not used space.
This will physically change the size of the partition occupied.
Some OS's do not have an lvm command shell but all commands have to be passed to lvm. This is something that was not documented in the original article.
To know the existence of the lvm shell, simply type lvm. If you enter the shell ... there is one, obvious. All commands can be taken as in the original article. In the other case - so no lvm shell exists - you will need to use the command format lvm .
To resize execute the following command (for the shell way, refer to the original article).
Execute the command:
lvm lvresize --size 3G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
The endpoint (cilinder) of the partition will change.

9 exit the rescue mode and restart.
This should be the most easy command ...

Tested the procedure on a OEL virtual machine running under VMWare Fusion 3 on an Apple MacBook Pro.


iSCSI configuration on OEL


This entry is, or will hopefully become, a resume of a number of articles I read in the course of understanding and configuring iSCSI on Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL). So ... first the links to different documents I found interesting (hopefully the links remain working)
The section on the configuration will suppose you know iSCSI terminology ... which requires you not to be a novice on this subject ... or having read the documents referred to under the section 'Links' ;-)


Configuration of the iSCSI targets on OEL

Configuration of the iSCSI Initiator on OEL

nfs on enterprice linux - to be continued

This is just a resume from the things I read in some articles and things I experience while applying them.

0. Point Zero
Some considerations are in place.
NFS stands for Network File System, or ... you need a network and you need a filesystem to be shared. This latter is in a certain way a big limitation of the possibilities of NFS. it is not possible to share a subdirectory of a filesystem.

a. Use an nfs share

a.1. verify the portmapper is running
To do this run
rpcinfo -p
The portmapper should be in the list that is returned.

a.2. Mount the share
Just use the mount command telling the type of drive is nfs and the location where to find the share and how the share is called.
$> mount -t nfs :
mount -t nfs mynfsserver:software /remoteshares/software
The location must exist upfront.

To unmount
$> umount

b. Create an nfs share

b.1. define the shares that may be exported
The shares are defined in the /etc/exports file.
Look to this location for information on the possible options.
A very simple example of the file
/Software *.hellings.be(ro)
/Share *.hellings.be(rw,all_squash,anonuid=100,anongid=100)

use exportfs to update the mountd tables.
$> exportfs -rav

b.2. (re)start the nfs server
This depends on how nfs has been installed.
If installed as a service use
service nfs restart

c. Mounting nfs shares at boot time

A line should be added to the fstab file in /etc.
Look in the referenced articles for further details.
It should look something like
: nfs rw 0 0
nfs is the type of filesystem
rw can be elaborated with a lot of other options
0 (this is the number zero) is the dump indicator
0 (again ... zero) is the fsckorder flag.

d. What about permissions on nfs share drives?

Not investigated yet .... sorry ...
The only thing is that you can set a 'replacement' user and group on the level of the nfs-share definition in the /etc/exports file, using the anonuid and anongid options. this in combination with all_in_squash option.

e. References
This is the original article

NFS reference pages

vncserver on enterprise linux

In order to have a vnc graphical desktop to your server do the following:

Check if vncserver exists.
If not ... install the package (see other forums)
If installed:

Connect to the unix box as the user that needs to be connected to the linux box via the vncserver.

Step1: init vncfiles for user
Launch the command vncserver.
This will create the required files and config settings in the users home directory.
You will notice the reference of a desktop id, something like :1
Use this referenct to stop the vncserver again by issueing the following command:
vncserver -kill :1

Step2: Enable X for the users remote desktop
Go to the home directory ( simply cd )
Go to the .vnc directory
Edit the file xstartup by uncommenting two lines:
#exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
so that you get
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
Save the file.

Step3: Initialise the vnc password
Launch the command vncpasswd.
Enter two times the password.
This will initialise the password for the user via which you will be connecting

Step 4: Start vncserver again
This step is only required if you want to run vnc not as a service but for restricted time periods.
Issue the command vncserver
Look at the reference the vncserver indicates, eg :1 or something like it.
Make a connection by a vncviewer using the host:reference

Step5: configure the service
Connect as root user
Go to the directory /etc/sysconfig
Modify the file vncserver as root user.
Look at the bottom of the file and duplicate the two lines.
In the pasted lines:
  • uncomment them (remove the # character)
  • in the line VNCSERVERS change the myusername by the user under which you created in steps 1 to 3 the config files
  • In the line VNCSERVERARGS remove the option -localhost
    This would prevent you from connecting from an other host.
(Step 6: What if you need different vnc servers with different users)
This step is optional.
Basically this is very easy.
Just perfom Steps 1 to 3 for each unix user you want to make available via vnc.
  • connect as the unix user on the box
  • start vncserver, defaulting the vnc-password of that user
  • stop the vncserver
  • go to directory ~/.vnc
  • uncomment the two lines in the xstartup file
The tricky bit is located in the startup script for the vncserver service. (step 5)
The first line should contain a list of the different displays with the corresponding unix users.
The second line should be repeated for every display that you entered in the list of displays in the first line. For each of the displays specific settings can be done.
The next is an example of two displays with two users:

VNCSERVERS="1:oracle 2:defaultuser"
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1200x1024 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1200x1024 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd"

Step 7: enable automatic startup of vncserver

Vncserver should be started at the multiuser runlevel, ie runlevel 5.

To enable this perform the following command as root user:
    chkconfig --level 5 vncserver on

To verify the setting in the runleve the following command can be used:
         chkconfig --list | grep vnc

Hope this helps

Samba Via Vista

If you're running a version of Vista that cannot use secpol.msc, you can edit the registry instead. Just change the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\LMCompatibilityLevel from a 3 to 1
--> This seems a valid solution in Win7
--> See MS helpsite

Attest van de RVA voor aanvraag tijdskrediet

Voor het aanvragen van tijdskrediet ben je verplicht een document aan de werkgever voor te leggen waaruit blijkt dat je nog recht hebt op het gevraagde tijdskrediet.
De instantie die in Belgiƫ dit document aanlevert heeft een portaalsite via dewelke je dit document kan bekomen.
Hierna volgt de procedure zoals die in september 2009 was.
Via de volgende URL kan u direct naar de meest adequate pagina springen. De procedure hierna dient u dan echter maar te volgen vanaf de stap die aangegeven staat met (*) Gezien onze overheid niet meer zo statisch is zou de snelle link wel kunnen veranderen. Daarom toch hoe dat je aan de effectieve pagina geraakt.
  • Ga naar de volgende website: https://www.socialsecurity.be
  • Klik op de taal nederlands, of op deze link;
  • Selecteer aan de linkerzijde "Naar de startpagina van de burger" of klik hier
  • Selecteer onder "profesioneel leven" de link "Loopbaanonderbreking en Tijdskrediet" of gebruik deze link
  • Selecteer hier in de pagina onderaan Algemeen stelsel.
  • Aan de rechterzijde zal u nu een aantal links zien verschijnen. In het midden ziet u bij "Online diensten" een link staan naar "Dossier Loopbaanonderbreking en tijdskrediet" Selecteer deze link
  • Tegen deze tij moet u zich aanmelden. Klik daartoe op de link bovenaan de pagina "aanmelden".
  • In het daaropvolgende scherm selecteert u de methode via dewelke u zich wil aanmelden.
    In het geval u een electronsche identiteitskaart heeft ... gaat dit simpel. Indien u een token wenst te gebruiken... wel hier kan ik u niet verder helpen, sorry.
  • (*) Aan de rechterzijde is er een knop "het dossier consulteren". Druk daarop. Indien u nu nog niet aangemeld was, zal u dat nu moeten doen.
  • De pagina die dan volgt is uw persoonlijke pagina.
  • Selecteer bovenaan de optie "attesten"
  • In het scherm dat u dan krijgt selecteert u onderaan de link in het vakje "attest tijdskrediet"
  • Dan nog een keer een scherm. selecteer hier weer "attest tijdskrediet" onderaan.
  • En voila ... u heeft uw attest.

Special keys to be used in XP on an azerty MacBook OSX

Having a MacBook Pro with an AZERTY keyboard and running VMWare you may encounter the problem that certain keys are not available.
This is only an impression. Apple seems to have left out the traditional key indicators for alt-gr combinations.

So .. it is not because you do not see them, that they are not present.
People who know the layout of the standard Azerty keyboard by heart simply have to press the same keys as they do on a traditional keyboard.
For completeness, an overview:

Alt-gr --> the right alt key (second right of the space bar)
Alt-gr is also the same as pressing the alt and ctrl key (just like on a traditional keyboard)

The next is a table of the signs and the keys that have to be pressed in combination with the alt-gr key.

| : 1
@ : 2
# : 3

under construction

ULN - Enterprise Linux oracle internal resources

This doc is only intended for Oracle Employees or people having links to the intranet.

Clients should have the correct licensing and/or support contracts through which they can have access to the client update sides. Being an Oracle employee I do not know if the procedure is the same for clients.
But I guess the files to be used and the way of working should be pretty much the same.

In order to update your server to the latest patchsets you should go internally to http://linux.us.oracle.com

A set of rpm's exist that will install the required settings and definitions to update the system.
It is rather simple: download and install the rpm. Via firefox just execute the rpm.
Then you should look into /etc/sysconfig/rhn.
You will find a file called 'sources' which contains different locations for update packages all depending on the version of OEL you are running.
Uncomment the correct yum line by removing the # sign.
Save the file and quit the editor.

Once this has been done, just go to Applications > System Tools > Software Update.
A list will be shown of available updates.
Press the "apply updates" button and wait ...wait ... wait ...

VirtualBox: Switchen between host and vm

Under in the screen an indication is shown that you need to press "ctrl droite" to go back to the host environment.
Do not interprete this wrong: it is not the purpose to prest ctrl + right_arrow. You simply have to press the right control key.
Some may search long for the answer on the internet.
Some ask to a person next to him for the answer.
The difference: speed. the internet at 200000Km/s may be quicker than the sound which only gets up to 300m/s. The quality delivered by the realy-near-aural-network however ...
Greetings to SV.

VirtualBox Shared folders

I had some problems in using the method everybody seems to be using when wanting to share a folder between the WinXP host and the guest OS Ubuntu.

You may find everywhere that you need to execute the following command:
sudo mount -t vboxfs sharename mountpoint

This seems to give a protocol error.
On one of the fora there was an alternative that did work however:
sudo mount.vboxfs sharename mountpoint

This seems to work fine.
Thanks to entry found here.

virtualbox copy machine and disks

This are some procedures to follow if you want to copy one machine in Virtualbox into an other machine.

Method 1:

Export as a Open Virtual Machine Definition. (export appliance)
Then Import it again.
The very annoying thing is that by default the image files get copied into the personal VirtualBox directory ... which may not be nice to manage.
The files have to be released, copied, reloaded and linked again before the VM can see them.

Method 2: Physical copy of the hard disks

This method does not copy the machine definition ... which is no hard work to do anyway.
Supposing the hard disks that you want to copy are in one directory, just copy the directory and for the correct way of working, give the new disk image files a name corresponding to its use.
My personal standard is to prefix the directory containing the files with the name of the machine. (ex. UBUNTU_SOA). Each file in turn is also prefixed by this name.
Then the files need to get a UUID unique to all the files in the world (?).
This is required because VirtualBox uses this UUID in the registry of Virtual Media.
I found this info on this link.
The basic command when the file is already copied is:
VBoxManage internalcommands setvdiuuid "The name of the file to rename
If the files are not copied from their original location:
VBoxManage clonehd “the old name of the file” “the new name of the file

After this the disks can be defined as new virtual media names ... and since you followed the convetions ... the name and purpose of the files will be clear.

The command VBoxManage can be found in the installation directory of VirtualBox

Tax-On-Web op Ubuntu

Hieronder gecopieerde informatie over hoe op Ubuntu Linux naar taxonweb te kunnen gaan.

Onderaan volgt de link naar het originele artikel.

Eid / Taxonweb : Linux 1 - Windows 0

Tax-on-web op Ubuntu in 30 seconden:

$ sudo apt-get install libacr38u libacr38ucontrol-dev pcscd
$ sudo apt-get install beid*

Open /usr/share/beid/beid-pkcs11-register.html in Firefox, wacht even en klik op "Install". Er verschijnt "The "Belgium Identity Card PKCS#11" module is now registered."

Cardrreader verbinden, kaart insteken, surf naar http://www.taxonweb.be/ en je kan je belastingaangifte invullen. Op die tijd heb je met Windows net de driver voor je cardreader gevonden. ;-)
Als er nu nog iemand een oplossing kon vinden voor de x86-64'ers onder ons...

De link naar het origineel artikel:

Met de nodige groeten

Definieren van USB printer op Apple Airport Express

't is ni voor het Ć©Ć©n of het ander ... maar de Apple spullen zijn dik onderwaardeerd.

Sinds een half jaar in het bezit van een airport express en de funcitionaliteit is omonwonden verbluffend: 
  • draadloos netwerk tot draft-n 
  • usb connectie voor het aansluten van een netwerk printer
  • aansluiten van uw hifi keten om uw mp3 tjes overal af te spelen
Dit laatste stukske is wel gelimiteerd omdat dit enkel werkt in iTunes maar soit ... het zij wat het zij ... dat werkt dan ook zoals het moet en niet anders ...

Afin het probleem is hoe een usb printer die aan de Apple Airport Express hangt te registreren onder uwen old fashion Windows xxxx.

FF rondsurfen in google en hopla : volgende link ... hierbij gezet onder het motto 'ere wie ere' toekomt ...  : http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2003072510530643
Het gaat daar wel om de zwaardere broer van de express ... de extreme.

Dus de stappekes:
  • ga naar control panel > printers en faxes
  • rechts klik in de lijst van printers (of gebruik een eventueel beschikbare shortcut) en selecteer 'add printer';
  • Selecteer (na next geklikt te hebben in een weer overbodig Microsoft scherm) locale printer en deselecteer autodetect, klik next
  • In het scherm 'selecteer een printer poort', selecteer voor de creatie van een nieuwe poort, en zet het type naar een tcp/ip poort, klik next
  • in de wizard (weeral een nieuwe) klik eerst next. In het scherm voor de host. Vul hier het IP adress in van de airport express. Pas eventueel de naam aan. (dit is de nieuwe poort naam);
  • Dan wordt er gevraagd welk het type van apparaat is, omdat het default type niet automatisch kan bepaald worden. Het gaat hier over het protocol dat moet gehanteerd worden ... en ik veronderstel ook de default poort die gebruikt zal worden. Gebruik hier het 'hewlett packard jet direct' (wat een printer software laag over tcp/ip definieerd die door de apple airport express gebruikt wordt)
  • Daarna wprdt de poort gevraagd .. maar hier kan je de default nemen, gezien die een gevolg is van het protokol dat in de vorige stap ingesteld werd; klik daar dus next;
  • Dan wordt de printer gevraagd. Hier moet je het juiste merk en type instellen. Na selectie, klik next;
  • Dan kan je de naam instellen hoe de printer gekend is op je Windows brol; klik daarna next 
  • Blijf next klikken ... Tot het ding gedefinieerd is.
  • Indien je de printer als default printer wil gebruiken defineer hem dan ook zo.
Hierna kan je je printer rustig gebruiken.

Om toch maar weer de vergelijking te maken,De installatie op de macbook pro is beschrijfbaar in twee stappen, waarvan er Ć©Ć©n nog niet eens in de voorvermelde lijst staat:
  • Sluit de printer aan de airport express en zet hem aan
  • Verifieer, ja ... dus niet configureer, in de airport setup utility of the printer herkend werd.
Het speelt waarschijnlijk wel in mijn voordeel dat de printer een HP vrij standaard model is ... maar dan nog, het is een klein verschil ... maar telkens je iets op de apple computer moet doen denk je twintig stappen te ver. Ik vraag me ten stelligste af welke depressies mensen ondergaan die van een Apple noodgedwongen en overhoeds overschakelen op een of andere windows brol.

Afin de groeten;

VNCServer op Ubuntu Server/Desktop

This topic ... it was missing.
For the sake of all the Tims and Toms I still have some work here.
I want to point them for the moment to a number of documents that already exist and which I have used in the past to get it working on Ubuntu.
So here they come

Valid xorg.conf file for linux OBI for DELL 630 Laptops

Seems like the next piece of text may be rather important if you are running the linux OBI on your laptop.
Everybody knows Marc De Weerdt ...(hope his name is in the correct tense) who provided the piece of plain ascii characters to be posted on this Hawtoes blog. Caught him correcting the file for one of our most junior people who came only just out his egg and started working with Linux. At least ... it's an intelligent chicken.
After you used it, be so kind to sent him all the honors. As well as ...any complaints and questions ...

# Xorg configuration created by pyxf86config

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Synaptics" "CorePointer"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "be"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"
Option "LeftEdge" "120"
Option "RightEdge" "830"
Option "TopEdge" "120"
Option "BottomEdge" "650"
Option "FingerLow" "14"
Option "FingerHigh" "15"
Option "MaxTapMove" "110"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "20"
Option "HorizScrollDelta" "20"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.3"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.75"

Section "Monitor"
# VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
# HorizSync 60.0 - 60.0
### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
Identifier "Monitor0"
ModelName "Dell E228WFP"
### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 60.0
Option "dpms"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "vesa"
VideoRam 393216

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Virtual 1440 900
Depth 8
Modes "1440x900"
SubSection "Display"

#Modes "1680x1050" "1440x900" "1280x800"
Viewport 0 0
Virtual 1024 768
Depth 16
Modes "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24

Windows Explorer extremely slow to open

When pressing the Windows+E key - which should open windows explorer immediately - it takes a long time before something happens.
Consequently opening a word document or excel sheet are also slow.

Reason for slowness
The reason is not known to me ... but the solution may work in your case ...

After ruling out a number of straith forward reasons like unavailability of network paths ... one of your last resolutions may be a problem in some Microsoft - or what had you thougth - temporary files.

In order to solve the problem, it is very well possible that you must create an other windows local admin user, if none accessible user exists. The next scenario foresees the steps including the creation of the extra account

Solution Steps
  • Create a local admin user if none exists yet which is different from the user who has the problem;
  • Log off as the user having the problem;
  • Log on as this admin user;
  • Go to the following directory
    c:\Documents and Settings\<profile>\local settings\application data\microsoft
  • Locate in that folder a folder named 'windows' ... what had you thought ;o)
  • Rename - or delete if you want to - the folder to something else (eg windows.old)
  • Log off as the newly created or exisiting other admin user;
  • Log in as the user who had the problem;
  • The windows folder will be created again;
  • For some wonderful reason ... this will solve the problem;
Hope this helps ... don't ask why it helps ...