Mac OS X - Print Screens

These are the shortcuts to be used to perform a screen print in Mac OS X:

CMD + Shift + 3 : Take a full screen shot
CMD + Shift + 4 : take a screen shot of an active window
CMD + Shift + 4 - followed by spacebar : select a specific area of the screen.

By default a PDF file is created on the desktop.
To change this and copy the image to the clipboard, hold down the control key with all of the combinations.

ukulele - songs

De volgende links bevatten akkoordgebruik bij liedjes.
Laat komen het kampvuur!

Ukulele - chords

De volgende links bevatten akkoordenschema's voor de ukulele.

Ukulele - Tuning

Normale tuning GCEA
Dit is verschillend van een gewone gewone gitaartuning ( EADGDE )
Een goede tuner hiervoor nodig : ga naar deze site:

Mac OS X - Freeing up space on boot disk

Since space seems to be eaten automatically when going into sleep mode or stand by, it seems required to do the maintanance in a manual way.

The following links give more details on how to proceed:
- manually run admin scripts

Elaboration on this topic is required ... still hunting the info ...
