RadiAnt is Such a wonderfull Dicom viewer. (download)
The only thing missing by default is to open a folder immediately with Radiant.
In order to do this you need to add a registry key which will define the "Radiant" action for all directories.
The steps to do this:
- Open Regedt
- Go in the registry to the following location:
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > Directory > shell
- Verify that you can see at that level two entries: cmd and find
- Create a new item called “Radiant”
- Go to the newly created item “Radiant”
- Create a new item called “command”
- In de standard REG_SZ string enter the path to Radiant between double quotes followed by %1
"c:\Program Files\RadiAntViewer64bit\RadiAntViewer.exe" %1