Dark blue on Linux terminal difficult to read

Change Blue into Cyan ... it is just a lot more readable.

Very easy once you know it:

Open a shell and stay in your home directory.
Do the following:
$> dircolors | sed -e "s/34/36/" > setColors.bash

This will create the file setColors.bash containing the current color settings for the terminal with the value of 34 changed into 36.

To try the setting, do the following:
$> .  ./setColors.bash

Your current terminal session will now show directories in cyan instead of blue. Use ls -l to see the difference. Notice also the dot followed by a space in front of ./setColors.bash.

To make the change for all your future sessions, you need to modify the profile script which is run when you create the terminal session. In case you're using bash, look for the .profile_bash file.

You can then either copy the content of the setColors.bash file into the profile file or call the execution of it. Make sure to execute the script in the current shell  and not in a subshell by using the mentionned dot space notation.

Reference and solution found here

I needed to remove the screenshots ... thanks blogspot ... just doesn't work.

Example of how it looks before the change:

The output of dircolors: (notice the 34's)

Create the setColors.bash script:

The content of the setColors.bash file: (notice the changed values for 34 into 36)

The line appended in the .bash_profile file in the hone directory of the user:

Example of how it looks after the change:

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