Android - Copy Nokia Contacts to Android Phone

In this link you can find the HowTo on how to do this.
In case the link wouldn't work anymore here's how:
  • on the nokia go to contacts and mark all the contacts.
  • Copy all contacts to the inserted microSD card
    The phone will ask to replace all existing contacts on the card. Confirm yes.
  • Connect to the MicroSD card. This can be done by browsing the card after connecting it through cable or bluetooth to a computer or by simply inserting the MicroSD card into a expansion to SD card.
  • Copy the contents of the contacts folder to a local folder. (I'm assuming you're a wise person and using a Unix based OS such as Linux or Mac OS X.
  • Create a single file from all the vcf files by using the command cat *.vcf > MyContacts.VCF
  • Now you need a Google account ... Android is based on Google and ... they seem to work very well together (See later)
  • Go to the contacts and simply import the MyContacts.VCF file into the Google Contacts.
  • Now you can modify the data as you require (merge them, clean them out and so on ... )
  • Now ... in case you had already defined a Google connection on your phone ... you will be amazed but ... all your contacts will be present on you phone ... be amazed by it !!!
    In the other case, simply connect from the phone to your newly created google account ... and also in this case ... be amazed by the wonder of integration!

OpenOffice - Mailmerge and blanc pages

When performing a mailmerge sometimes a blanc page gets inserted.

When searching for this problem on the internet you will surely find this solution which suggests to set the insert blanc page when printing to off.

That solution is a workaround which has to be set in a document. It controls the fact that if a previous section ends on an odd page and the next section starts on an odd page, when printing an even page gets inserted, which is used when printing in duplex/double sided. In a mail merge this section end by default generates the 'even' page and by this the blanc page ...

The problem basically comes from the fact that while doing a print mailmerge to a new single document every instance of a record will be printed to a new section which starts on the odd page. You will notice this in the line starting each printed instance which is in fact a section break.

So you should be able to control the behaviour of the 'section printing' in the document.

This link shows the wiki page on sections in OpenOffice.


Google - Hoe meer efficient zoeken

Het zou bijne common knowledge moeten zijn ... maar door de sturing van de zoekmachine van google is het soms gemakkelijker naar een meer relevant resultaat te komen.

Het is interessant om een keer door deze lijst te gaan kijken en een keer alle mogelijkheden te doorlopen.
Het is nog handiger om deze lijst bovenaan uw bookmarks te houden omdat het dikwijls zo zou zal zijn dat je meer tijd wint door een betere zoekopdracht te geven dan door een eindeloze lijst van niet-relevante zoekresultaten te lopen.

Andere plaatsen om hier informatie over te vinden van Google zelf:
- Help bij het zoeken: algemeen
Basisbeginselen bij het Google zoeken.
- Uw zoekervaring verbeteren.

GSM - Rinkeltijd verlengen

Gekopieerd voor de memorie van de blog van Peeters en Pichal: ( link )

Luisteraar Annelies schrijft: ‘Sinds lange tijd storen we ons hier met z'n allen aan de korte rinkeltijd van onze GSM's. Voordat we de telefoon kunnen opnemen zit de beller al op de voice mail.’

Volgens Annelies wordt de rinkeltijd zelfs voortdurend korter en zitten hier snode plannen van de operatoren achter. Wat is er van aan?

In de uitzending bleek dat je de beltijd (de tijd voordat je voicemail opspringt) op de volgende manieren kan verlengen:

Proximus: **61*+32475151516*11*30#
Base: **61*+32486191933**30# of *61*+32486191933**30#
Mobistar: **61*5555**30#
Telenet: **61*5555**30#

Na het hekje moet je op verzenden of op de groene knop van je gsm duwen.
Enkel geldig voor mensen die met een abonnement bellen.

Brother - reset Drum Status

To reset the status of the Brother MFC-8840d(n) open the front cover, press the clear/back button and when asked select yes (=1) to reset the status.

Ethernet Wiring

Just a quick reminder on how the wiring should be done.


Two different wirings exist : a type A and type B both under the standard EIA/TIA T568.
A streight through cable has on both sides of the cable the same type, so A-A or B-B.
A cross cable is a cable which has on one side a type A and on the other side a type B.
The 'crossing" nature comes from the different wirings between the A and B types.

Pin numbering

The male plug is numbered with the copper leads upwards and pointed away from you.
The female connector matches logically to this principle so leads upwards and

Ethernet Cable

An ethernet cable exists in Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) and Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP).

The cable is composed of a twisted bundle of four twisted pairs of wires: a green, an orange, a blue and a brown pair. Each pair is composed of a solid and white combined wire.

The shielding of the cable makes a difference in fault tolerance and guaranteed throughput.
Be aware that in case Shielding has to be used, the shielding should not only be foreseen for the cable but also in all of the other network components: the plug, the switch or peripheral ... . The 'grounding' of the shield must be foreseen and tested.

Pin to Wire Match

Type A (EIA/TIA T568A):
pin 1 : green/white (TX+)
pin 2 : green (TX-)
pin 3 : orange/white (RX+)
pin 4 : blue
pin 5 : blue/white
pin 6 : orange (RX-)
pin 7 : brown/white
pin 8 : brown

Type B ( EIA/TIA T568B):

pin 1 : orange/white (TX+)
pin 2 : orange (TX-)
pin 3 : green/white (RX+)
pin 4 : blue
pin 5 : blue/white
pin 6 : green (RX-)
pin 7 : brown/white
pin 8 : brown

For a color reference please follow this link.

Although it seems that the blue and brown sets are not used, they have a use for full duplex use of the ethernet cable ... it seems ... have not found their use ... yet ...

Samsung Led tv Upgrade firmware

See for information. The standard selected files which are available via the localized websites is not always the correct one.
Verify the exact model type name to get the exact correct firmware.

VMWare - Windows 7 NIC problem

In case the NIC is not recognized after a P2V conversion, follow the indications in this article.

Basically it comes to adding a line at the end of the .vmx file containing the following parameter setting:
ethernet0.virtualdev = "e0000"

You have to shut the machine before editing the file.
And only restart after modification.

Mac OS X - Print Screens

These are the shortcuts to be used to perform a screen print in Mac OS X:

CMD + Shift + 3 : Take a full screen shot
CMD + Shift + 4 : take a screen shot of an active window
CMD + Shift + 4 - followed by spacebar : select a specific area of the screen.

By default a PDF file is created on the desktop.
To change this and copy the image to the clipboard, hold down the control key with all of the combinations.

ukulele - songs

De volgende links bevatten akkoordgebruik bij liedjes.
Laat komen het kampvuur!

Ukulele - chords

De volgende links bevatten akkoordenschema's voor de ukulele.

Ukulele - Tuning

Normale tuning GCEA
Dit is verschillend van een gewone gewone gitaartuning ( EADGDE )
Een goede tuner hiervoor nodig : ga naar deze site:

Mac OS X - Freeing up space on boot disk

Since space seems to be eaten automatically when going into sleep mode or stand by, it seems required to do the maintanance in a manual way.

The following links give more details on how to proceed:
- manually run admin scripts

Elaboration on this topic is required ... still hunting the info ...


AVG - Rescue CD

Go to the following link to get info on the AVG Rescue CD : Click Here

Mac OS X - Pdf merge and split

I was looking for a tool to generate one pdf file from different other sources in a controlled way.
Found one ... and it seems to work pretty well !!!
See here for more details

UnRarring on Mac OS X

To unrar files on a Mac OS X use UnRarX.
Download on this link.

Oracle VM Manager - Reset of passwords

On Metalink (Oracle) a script exists which makes it possible to reset the password of a user of Oracle VM Maanger. See note 739785.1 for a referenct to a script to be run. (installation of a hashing function and a script to change the password)

Mac OS X - 7z files - Keka

Here you can find a tool for the 7z Archives.
Should work for rar, tar ... files too.

Mac OS - Keyboard Shortcuts

See this link

Locking the screen of a Mac OS X

Found this following YouTube demo.
Download the referred tool from here.
Have to drag the dmg file to the applications folder.
This will create a new subfolder which contains a number of small apps under which a lock screen application.
This application can be dropped to the dock.

Not yet found how to enable it by a keyboard combination ...

Mac OS X - Cannot move deleted message to (null) box

If this error occurs you should delete the mail account definition.
Be careful if your mail server is of the POP type as a pure POP server pops the messages from the server when they are retrieved by the mail client.
An IMAP mail server does not behave by default like this.

Oracle VM and EL : public Yum Server

You may find information about update server on this location.
The base page contains information about how to configure the thing.

OEL klein en fijn

note 579101.1 over minimale installatie van OEL ... naar het schijnt gescrhreven door de Master himself.
800124.1 over oracle Validate.

How to remove KoobFace virus

I do not know if all of the things I will be mentioning here are directly related to this virus or that because of the virus a number of other infections took place.

The virus spreads itself though FaceBook and other social networks.
Basically there is no risk unless you do not pay attention to mailings you get from your FaceBook friends, connections you made on facebook. You will receive a mail to play some file on youtube - which is spelled differently - and when clicking on the link a compatiibility problem is mentioned, for which you should install an update of a program/plugin.

It seems that a lot of different versions exist ... so be carefull also for similar scenario's.

How to remove.

The installation of the PC was not finished yet and therefor the pc got infected. I guess that if the Security Soft had been installed this woul not be happening. Although ... it seems the virus spreads very fast ...

The following is  a list of things I needed to do to be able to even perform an update of AVG which we use:

  • in the AVG folder, executeables were renamed from .exe and .dll to .exe.old and .dll.old. Other versions were put in place (avgupd and avginet)
  • the host file contained a line with an address definition which was rather strange.
  • it was not possible to go to fhe site anymore. Also updates from AVG could not find new defitiion files.
To solve the problem, go to the website of AVG on an other non-infected computer and find the virusdatabase files. (Normally the following link should work: )
By some means get them on the infected computer into a random folder. (use an usb stick, use a network drive ... )
Then launch AVG user interface and press the update section button.
In  my case the definitions servers can not be reached.
You can cancel the update by clicking on cancel in the lower right corner of the screen.
In the Tools menu you will find an item "update from directory". Select this item en specify the directory where you had put the files earlier on.
The update will be launched and you will be asked to confirm the installation of the new versions of the files.

After updating perform a full scan of the pc.
In my case it found now the KoobFace virus and removed it.
After this perform yet an other update and reboot the system with rescan.
This should fix the problem.

PS ... the update from directory will only work if no other scan is running at that moment.

Blue screen

TV :

Thunderbird - Use Gmail as address book

To be reviewed

The article refers to an LDAP server which is installed locally and which connects to Google address book to retrieve the address book information. The guide foresees in the installation on different platforms including Mac OS X.
This can be for that reason a very good alternative to Apple's MobileMe which costs about 79euro per year

Referenced article :

Thunderbird - Backup

It seems not very important, but once you loose your appreciated mail history you can be far away from running your business. All of you contacts, appointments etc can be captured in a certain way in your mail archives.
It is therefor very important to make on a regular basis a copy of your thunderbird data so that you can restore it if required.

I have not run into any problem with other problems than Windows yet, so the information is restricted to this environment.

Backing up the data

The procedural steps are very simple:
  • go to the directory where the profiles are stored
    The directory can be found (in a standard installation) in \users\\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird
    The directory named users will seem to be named differently on dutch systems. Using the users directory works however.
  • Copy the content of this entire directory
  • Paste it on a safe location
How to restore your mails and other data?

Running into this problem after a migration from Vista to Windows 7 I found this article which refers  this tool at this site.
The software - which is a Thunderbird add-on - makes it possible to import thunderbird data of any kind back into the existing thunderbird environment.
Tested the software ... and it worked for importing the folders from a backup set of the thunderbird profile.

XEN network cards

First location to look for information:
Xen Networking wiki

Info about configuring XEN logical network cards on physical nic's:
To be reviewed ...

apache loadbalancer

This Link is a doc file on how to configure apache to act as a load balancer.

Just in case the document would not last for ever, the scripting involved:

Definition on the virtual host level:


        DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Documents

        ProxyRequests Off

          Order deny,allow
          Allow from all

        ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
        ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID nofailover=On
        ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
        ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
          BalancerMember ajp:// route=public1
          BalancerMember ajp:// route=public2
          ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests

          SetHandler balancer-manager

    AllowOverride AuthConfig

Protection of the balance-manager path.

mkdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/balancer-manager
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/conf/security/users administrator
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/balancer-manager
touch .htaccess
vi .htaccess

Text to enter in the .htaccess file:

AuthName "secured"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile users

require valid-user

on the balanced server side:

Check the AJP port on the server:
jboss JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/server.xml
tomcat: TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml 
Configuration of this file:

connection link

Not yet tested myself but will not take long ...

Create a VM from a running Windows Environment

Check out the utility disk2vhd which is described here.
It creates a standard Virtual Machine Harddisk from a running Windows system so that the same pc can be run by different VM software distributions.

Browsers - Default proxy configuration

This is just to recall me ... ;-)

WPAD : Web Proxy Auto Discovery

To set automatic proxy configuration use the following line as an automatic proxy script reference:


This assumes wpad can be found on the local network.
Else no proxy configuration is used.

Move to OpenOffice from MS-OfficeInproductivity Suite

Ever wondered if macro's in OpenOffice are the same as they are in MS-Office?
Well ... they are definitively not.

While discussing the Famous takeover of Sun by Oracle, we got this magnificent product OpenOffice on top of it. So, having all these macro's in our inproductivity Suite we are a little bit stuck with MicroS.

A dear colleague - Marc - has already found some answer and solution to the question :

I have not tested it yet, but knowing Marc I believe him on his words - even those not honorable - that this is the way to go.

Thanks Marc!!

Wake Up On Lan - the mistery

If you would be thinking that a simple access to a shutdown server would bring it up, you will have found out that is not at all the case.

I had the same kind of problem in my perception of what "wake on lan" could be and started sniffing around. On the 'net I found this very interesting article which will explain the concept - which is not to difficult - and provides along the way the solution by means of a piece of Java code. (the code is at the end of this article)

In a way of safeguarding this referenced article's information - and not having to look it up again - here's a kind of resumé.

A wake up on lan is performed by sending a very specific packet to a machine's NIC (= network interface card) which should have the WOL capability. Because it is the NIC which is addressed and not the computer's operating system itselve the addressing is done at the level of the MAC address.

The packets content, which is often named the 'magic packet', is composed of 6 bytes filled with 1bits (= ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) followed by 6 bytes that contain the MAC address of the NIC, followed by a repetition of the MAC address bytes 'til the packet is full.

Attention should be taken that the packet gets transmitted upto the machines NIC. It is very useful to consider the network topology on which you are broadcasting (UDP packets) the Magic Packet. If for example you want to wake up your server from some lokation on the internet, you should enable port forwarding rules on your Internet Router).

A commandline tool exists (windows) which is called mc-cmd and can be downloaded from this location.

Further information can be found, obviously, on Wikipedia.

For those speaking French WOL should not be translated into LAINE .... it will not work ;-)

I reformatted the java code of the article to suite my own layout ...


public class WakeUpOnLan 
   // Define the port to be used to send the UDP packet
   public static final int PORT = 9;
   public static 
   (  String[] args
      if (args.length != 2) 
         System.out.println("Usage: java WakeOnLan  ");
         System.out.println("Example: java WakeOnLan 00:0D:61:08:22:4A");
         System.out.println("Example: java WakeOnLan 00-0D-61-08-22-4A");
      String ipStr  = args[0];
      String macStr = args[1];

         byte[] macBytes = getMacBytes(macStr);
         byte[] bytes = new byte[6 + 16 * macBytes.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
            bytes[i] = (byte) 0xff;
         for (int i = 6; i < bytes.length; i += macBytes.length) 
            System.arraycopy(macBytes, 0, bytes, i, macBytes.length);
         InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(ipStr);
         DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length, address, PORT);
         DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
         System.out.println("Wake-on-LAN packet sent.");
      (  Exception e
         System.out.println("Failed to send Wake-on-LAN packet: + e");
    private static 
    (  String macStr
    )  throws IllegalArgumentException 
       byte[] bytes = new byte[6];
       String[] hex = macStr.split("(\\:|\\-)");
       if (hex.length != 6) 
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid MAC address.");
          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
             bytes[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hex[i], 16);
        catch (NumberFormatException e) 
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hex digit in MAC address.");
        return bytes;

Tug's Blog: Using HTTPS with Web Services

Tug's Blog: Using HTTPS with Web Services

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